Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Providence: The Best Daily Planner

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul unveils part of our destiny in Christ, saying "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Isn’t it crazy to think that God, even before we were conceived, knew what He planned for us and has certain tasks with our name on them?

Recently I've been asking the Lord to give me divine appointments, and He's been faithful to answer my prayer. Even though I asked the Lord to send me these opportunities from Him, I somehow always seem to be surprised when they come. The scenario is always different, but God is teaching me (granted I am still a work in progress) how to better respond when He brings people into my life that need encouragement. 

Sometimes it’s just following the little promptings from the Holy Spirit to do simple things like give a friend some chocolate and let her know I care (because who doesn’t love chocolate right?!). Other times, it’s just meeting a friend in need and just being there even if it means sitting quietly until she’s ready to talk.

The real challenge is being willing to drop everything and do what God is calling me to do. It’s so easy to want to do something for God and another thing all together to obey when He’s telling you to do something that’s inconvenient. 

My prayer is that we would have the heart of Christ to seek our Father in Heaven’s will in everything, that we would trust Him to guide our steps, and that our lives would be orientated around living in a way that pleases the Lord. 

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